Monday, June 30, 2014

Nearby Farm Stands

Eggplants from Gabrielle's Garden website! Mmmm...
I still haven't heard of any farm stands or farmers markets within the Barnum borders, but I have stumbled upon a couple of nearby farm stands to add to the list of Farmers Markets and CSAs nearby.

Gabrielle's Garden: A farm stand at 832 Kalamath St., open Saturdays from 9:00-noon and Wednesdays from 5:00-7:00.

Sprout City Farms Community Farm Stand: Farm stand at Mountair Park, 5620 W. 14th Ave. Lakewood (on 14th, four blocks West of Sheridan). They're open Fridays 4:00-6:00 mid-August through Halloween.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Trader Joe's is coming...3 miles away.

Photo from 5280 Magazine
Yesterday, Trader Joe's announced that it is opening its second Denver location 3 miles from our doorsteps. It's headed for 7th and Logan. And, because it's off 6th Ave, Google Directions estimates it's but a 5-10 minute drive, even during morning rush hour.

I can't decide if I'm super happy or super bummed. Trader Joe's is crazy popular but it's still not quite close enough to call our own. In fact, it completes the circle of large grocery shops 2.5 to 3 miles in any direction from Barnum/Barnum West. We have King Soopers to the North at Sloans Lake, King Soopers to the South in Mar Lee, King Soopers and Whole Foods to the West at Belmar. Now, with Trader Joe's to the East, we've formed a perfect perimeter of not-close-enough-to-walk-to large chain grocery stores.

Oh well. At least we have all our little local grocery shops for walking trips. And at least Trader Joe's is closer to us here in Barnum than they are to the Highlands. Hey Highlands! You like apples? How you like them apples? Cause you have to drive past Barnum to buy them from Trader Joe's. Here's a link to the 5280 article about the new Trader Joe's.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Barnum's View of Denver

Sunrise Barnum Park, Denver Time-Lapse [One Day in Denver Campaign Raw Footage] from Ryan Dravitz on Vimeo.

I'm so glad to have discovered this awesome video capturing a sunrise over the city from our glorious Barnum Park. Nicely done, Ryan Dravitz. Huzzah for having one of the best views in Denver!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Barnum Garden Tour: Charlie's Charming Cottage Garden

This hill took FOREVER to dig up. Totally worth it,
Remember when I said I have zero journalistic objectiveness? Yeah, here I go again. Today's garden tour is my very own. I'm rather proud of myself for waiting this long to post it.

When we first moved in, the entire front yard was sun-baked dust and weeds. The backyard was worse -- 12" of sand that even the weeds refused to grow in. And, of course, no trees. Each summer, we fill in a little more empty space with something either pretty or delicious.

Our Names: Charlie and Keegan

Garden Style: Cottage Garden and kitchen garden

How Long We've Been Gardening Here: 6 years

The internet tells me this is feverfew.
What's New In The Garden This Year: We just planted a little hedge of Coralberries beside our front door. I'm pretty excited to see them festooned in pink this fall. And, I'm hoping to extend my flower garden a little later in the summer -- maybe a row of delphiniums, hollyhocks, and foxgloves behind my peonies.

What We Love To Grow: My favorites are normally whatever is blooming or fruiting at the moment. If I had answered last month I would have said lilacs, strawberries, and peonies. But, right now, I have to say I'm in love with my Pink Grapefruit yarrow. Also, there is a volunteer feverfew growing behind my blackberries that is charming as hell.

What We Cannot Grow: I'm originally from the East Coast, so when I first started planting six years ago, I learned the hard way that in Denver, rhododendrons and azaleas need more attention than I'm willing to give them in the winter. We also have one of those little hills in the front yard that I tried to keep grass on for four years. Last year I finally gave up, dug it all out, and covered the hill with mulch. I planted some cotoneasters that I'm hoping will grow up to take over the whole thing.  

Biggest Battle: Bindweed. I fucking hate bindweed. And squirrels.

Our Advice To New Gardeners In The 'Hood: Lots of plants are pretty, but how and where you plant them matters too. Step back across the street and look at your garden as a whole.

Favorite Nursery/Supply Shop: O'Tooles is wonderful, but Echter's in Arvada also rocks.

Barnum Denver Barnum Denver Barnum Denver

Barnum Denver Barnum Denver Barnum Denver

Barnum Denver Barnum Denver Barnum Denver

Do you garden in Barnum or Barnum West? Send your pics into the blog! Selected gardens will be featured throughout the summer. Pics can be emailed to welcometobarnum (at)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Barnum Garden Tour: Danielle and David's Earth-Friendly Edibles

When I visited Danielle to photograph her lovely organic kitchen garden in Barnum West, I was instantly charmed. No neat lines and strict compartments separated her plants. Instead, her garden is a riot of colors and textures, full of abundance and stunning variety. Chinese Cabbage lay hidden under Egyptian Walking Onions, exotic-sounding varieties of radishes and salad greens crowd around lush walls of raspberries. Danielle's young son happily ate peas right off the vine, his brightly colored toys scattered about, forgotten in favor of fresh vegetables. Her family's backyard garden felt like a home.

Her ambitious side garden that lines the street is still in it's infancy, but already shows careful consideration for sustainability. Danielle has laboriously reshaped her slope into swales and hugelkultur berms that will conserve Denver's meager rainwater. Young jujube trees, cardoons, yarrow, squashes, and service berries line the swales, ready to turn a sun-beaten hill into an urban oasis. Looking at her new project, I couldn't help but think her garden will someday grace the cover of Mother Earth News.

Barnum Denver Garden Barnum Denver Garden Barnum Denver Garden

Our Names: Danielle and David

Garden Style: Permaculture

How Long We've Been Gardening Here: 3 years

What's New In The Garden This Year: We have added perennial greens like sorrel, Italian dandelion and lovage, as well as medicinal perennial herbs like motherwort, skullcap and astragalus to our cooler weather polyculture garden. But the biggest change is turning our hot and sunny side yard into a permaculture garden where we aim to create a more complete ecosystem with perennial crops that play diverse roles like nitrogen fixing, attracting pollinators, drawing up minerals from deep in the earth, providing beneficial insect and animal habitat, confusing pests, creating more soil fertility, and suppressing weeds. We've added jujube trees and serviceberry bushes for fruit, surrounded by a number of supporting perennials, with our hot-crop annuals mixed in. We also did a lot of earth-moving, creating sunken beds that are more water efficient than raised beds.

What We Love To Grow: We have lots of great early spring crops like arugula, lettuce, orach (similar to spinach but a lot more productive), and snap peas. Later in the season we make a lot of salsa with our chiles, tomatoes and tomatillos. Cucumbers (pickles!), raspberries and winter squash (especially delicata) are also big favorites.

What We Cannot Grow: We have struggled to get New Zealand spinach to germinate. It's supposed to be a great hot-weather green but we've only been able to get one little plant to grow. Generally each year will be good for some crops and not others. Last year our tomato crop was limited but we were swimming in cucumbers. The year before it was the opposite.

Biggest Battle: Slowly building up our soil. We've sheet-mulched with compost and manure but it'll take time for the earthworms and other helpers to break up the hard clay underneath.

Our Advice To New Gardeners In The 'Hood: Carefully consider the water needs of the plants you want to grow. "Full sun" plants may thrive with more shade than you think. Building up the organic matter in your soil will dramatically increase the amount of water it can retain, and be sure to mulch deeply. Consider sunken beds instead of raised beds. Finally, don't bite off more than you can chew at first--we speak from experience!

Favorite Nursery/Supply Shop: Timberline, though in Arvada it's not the closest.

Barnum Denver Garden Barnum Denver Garden Barnum Denver Garden

Thank you very much to Danielle and David for their hospitality and for sharing their garden with Welcome To Barnum!

Be sure to leave a comment for the gardeners below!

If you live in Barnum/Barnum West and would like to submit your own garden for a garden tour, please email a couple of photos to welcometobarnum (at) Selected gardens will be featured throughout the summer.

And, as always, if you are a Barnum or Barnum West resident who would like to contribute content to the Welcome To Barnum blog, please email us!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bicycling in Barnum

I just stumbled across this notice that there will be an Open House with Denver Public Works tonight at the Barnum Recreation Center! They'll be discussing making improvements to South West Denver's bicycling infrastructure. Here's a link to the pdf notice.

I sure do wish they'd schedule these meetings a little later in the evenings so that I could attend after work. Oh well. If you go and get the skinny on what's happening, help a gal out and send me some notes via email!

welcometobarnum (at)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Barnum Garden Tour: Devin and Daniel's Dreamy Cottage Garden

Devin and Daniel's cottage garden is absolutely stunning. Plants can be beautiful by themselves -- and D & D have many pretty plants -- but it's the combinations they've created that makes this garden truly fantastic.

The shrubs and trees, the vines and hedges, and all of the clusters of color and texture between show a true talent for design in addition to a quite obviously green thumb.

What a dreamy place to begin our Barnum Neighborhood Garden Tours.

Denver Barnum Neighborhood Denver Barnum Neighborhood Denver Barnum Neighborhood

Our Names: Devin and Daniel

Garden Style: Cottage

How Long We've Been Gardening Here: 5 years

What's New In The Garden This Year: This year we are planting a part sun garden on the north side of our house. We also did a raised vegetable garden bed where we're planting a few different varieties of cucumbers and squash, Brussels sprouts and eggplants.  

What We Love To Grow: Everything! We've always had an extensive vegetable garden and also perennial gardens. Some of our favorite plants include bee balm, lavender, meadow rue, columbines, bleeding hearts, and peonies.

What We Cannot Grow: We've had success with almost everything we've planted considering we select plants that thrive in our climate. We stray away from exotic or tropical plants that have a hard time adapting to our swinging temperatures.  

Biggest Battle:  We're fighting a constant battle with mallow weed.  It's our number one offender! 

Our Advice To New Gardeners In The 'Hood:  Amend your soil if you need to, select drought tolerant plants and use mulch or a ground cover to conserve water!     

Favorite Nursery/Supply Shop: We love O'toole's on Colfax/Quail.  

Their pup, Atlas, looking especially handsome.
Denver Barnum Neighborhood Denver Barnum Neighborhood Denver Barnum Neighborhood

Denver Barnum Neighborhood Denver Barnum Neighborhood Denver Barnum Neighborhood

Thank you both for giving us a peek into your beautiful Barnum garden!

Have a lovely Barnum or Barnum West garden of your own you'd like to share with your neighbors? Submit your photographs to the blog by emailing them to welcometobarnum (at) Don't forget to leave your comments for Devin and Daniel below!