Friday, June 5, 2015

Barnum Block Party!!

Cheers, fellow Barnumites! This summer is a big one for us here in the Barnum neighborhood. Not only are there construction projects on seemingly EVERY major thoroughfare in and out of our neighborhood, but we will see changes at our park including the loss of the dog park and the gain of a pedestrian bridge that will link us more easily to our neighbors to the north in Villa Park.

One of the most exciting changes is the addition of a Barnum Denver Days block party in August! Did you know that the City and County of Denver offers a full range of support services to help neighbors plan and implement a block party each August? Right now a group of neighbors is in the planning stages of this project and we need YOUR help!

What: Neighborhood-level Block Party
Date: Sunday, August 9th, 2015
Time: Afternoon, exact time, TBD
Place: Cedar Park + Cedar Ave between Knox Ct and Julian St
Purpose: Community building

Learn more about Denver Days by clicking here.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Barnum is Because of YOU!

We all know that living in Barnum is pretty terrific. Our neighborhood feels a bit like a time capsule. As Denver has rapidly changed over the past two decades, Barnum has mostly stayed the same. It is a simple and (mostly) quiet neighborhood. *I realize everybody living on Knox St. and Perry St. are rolling their eyes at me right now.* Really, though, most of us know that we have discovered a little treasure on the edge of the city.

It would appear that Denver's changes are touching our neighborhood, though. Earlier this week I was stunned to see both Barnum and Barnum West (I sort of just lump us into one big neighborhood) listed in 5280 Magazine's 2015 list of Denver's Best Neighborhoods. Citing things like affordability, charming brick ranches, and low crime rates, they captured a decent picture of why our neck of the woods is appealing.

I felt vindicated when I read the article because for nine years I have had to explain where Barnum is to everyone who asks me where I live. This is usually followed by, "Isn't that in Lakewood?" So I appreciate that this neighborhood I have loved for nine years is being recognized for the true character and value it has.

While I am proud to see our neighborhood given this distinction, I would be lying if I didn't say it worried me a little bit. Before we lived in Barnum, we owned a home in Jefferson Park. Everybody told me I was crazy for buying a house in "that neighborhood" back in 2002, but I saw the charm. We got out in 2006 just before the majority of the neighborhood was razed for high rise condos and ultra-modern town houses. Our former block (which I found to be quite charming) is now totally unrecognizable.

My concern is that Barnum getting attention for how affordable and livable it is will eventually render it the opposite. I find myself wondering how we can comfortably embrace Denver's rapid growth while still maintaining the eclectic spirit of our community. As I have pondered this question, I have come to one conclusion: WE HAVE TO STAY INVOLVED AND CONNECTED.

1: Keep In Touch Online: This website and the Next Door Barnum website are both excellent resources for keeping neighbors in touch. This website is where you can find information on everything else I list below. If you aren't on Next Door yet, I encourage you to sign up immediately to know what is going on in the 'hood.

2: Join the Beautiful Barnum Project: One of the people you will see posting on Next Door is neighborhood resident Adrian Camacho. He is the coordinator for the Beautiful Barnum project. This is an informal group of neighborhood residents committed to taking small, regular action to help keep our neighborhood safe and beautiful. Currently, this group is discussing getting the city to fix the streetlights, cleaning up alleys, planting donated street trees in yards with a need for more trees, and installing woody plantings along Weir Gulch to help clean up the water and catch the garbage before it ends up polluting Barnum Lake.

3: Help the Sustainable Neighborhood Initiative: Barnum was selected for the Denver Sustainable Neighborhoods program. This project is designed to help Barnum become a "greener" neighborhood but it is up to the citizens to decide what that means and identify projects that will work for our neighborhood. One of the projects that I'm particularly excited about is the planting of a community orchard across the street from the community garden!

4: Meet Up with the Concerned Citizens for Barnum: This is a formal neighborhood organization that discusses and addresses significant issues in our neighborhood. They are a powerful group of individuals that are taking action based on the feedback they hear from neighbors. If you want your voice to be heard and have a valuable perspective, show up and share you thoughts. Right now CCB is doing critical work as they prepare to draft our new neighborhood plan to be formalized by the city. This is an opportunity to weigh in on your thoughts about large residential or commercial development projects being brought to our neighborhood. 

5: Get to Know Your Neighbors: There are some really amazing and interesting people in your midst. Get to know them! Our neighborhood is awesomesauce because of you and people like you. Want to help throw a big party to celebrate said sauce that is awesome? Meet up with us at the Colorado Cider Company at 4:00 on May 9th to plan our neigborhood block party as part of Denver Days!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Barnum in the News and Barnum News

Flicker/Jeffrey Beall
This has been a press filled month for Barnum. In addition to Bree Davies' recent Barnum tribute article in the Westword and a shout out in another Westword article about a local artist (yours truly!), today's Denver Post featured a thoughtful article discussing District 3's recent changes: Denver City Council District 3: Growth, redevelopment worries longtime residents. There's a lot of buzz about the Sustainable Neighborhoods project -- so exciting! There's a battle over the future of our dog park in the Denver Post, with a link to a petition that you can sign. In 5280, there's an article about a cool reno in our 'hood: Inside Denver's Hippest Loft. And, one of our own residents was featured in Westword as Denver's Best Craftsman for Craft Beer! Congratulations, Steve! Also in Westword's Best of Denver 2015, it's no surprise that the Best Thai Restaurant, Best Vietnamese Restaurant, and Best Chinese Restaurant are all within walking distance of Barnum's doorsteps. We rock.

Barnum News from CCB:
CCB (Concerned Citizens for Barnum) will be hosting an At Large Candidate Debate on Tuesday, April 14th, 6 pm at the Barnum Rec Center, 360 Hooker. We need to decide on two (2) At Large Representatives for our city. Come and meet who will represent you best.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Home :: Barnum

Hello Barnum. We've called you home for the past few months, and slowly we are starting to move around and explore. Spring is becoming a possibility, and with it there's walks outside, meeting neighbors, exploring the hidden spots and best views in Denver. I'm Jenn, and a new Barnumite. I was very happy to read this article today by a nearby neighbor. It's inspiring and hopeful and flawed and all the things that make Barnum a really good place to be. Hope to meet y'all soon.

All images film, February 2015.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Barnum Rec Center Events!

Hello, Neighbors! See the message below from Denver Parks & Recreation about upcoming events at the Barnum Recreation Center in Barnum Park. Get out there and play!

MY Denver :

Apply online or at Barnum Rec Center for your child’s (ages : 5-18) free membership to ALL Denver Rec Centers / indoor and outdoor pools.  Call us @ 303-937-4659 for Information about eligibility and benefits or visit online

Youth Sports Spring Season is here, it’s time to SIGN-UP!

Come play soccer, flag football or volleyball at Barnum recreation center, We offer sports program for youth ages 5-13. We would love for your child to gain sports skills, learn sportsmanship and fair play in a fun, healthy and safe environment. 

Volleyball – Coed

Age: 7-8 yr old Practices: Thu 5:00pm - 6:00pm & Sat 10:30am - 11:30am Games: Mon
Age: 9-10 yr old Practices: Wed & Fri 5:00pm - 6:30pm Games: Fri
Age: 11-12 yr old Practices: Tue & Thu 6:30pm - 8:00pm Games: Thu
Age: 13-14 yr old Practices: Mon & Wed 6:30pm - 8:00pm Games: Wed

Flag Football - Coed

Age: 7-8 yr old Practices: Wed & Fri 5:30pm - 6:30pm Games: Fri
Age: 9-10 yr old Practices: Tue & Thu 5:00pm - 6:30pm Games: Thu
Age: 11-12 yr old Practices: Mon & Tue 6:30pm - 8:00pm Games: Tue
Age: 13-14 yr old Practices: Mon & Tue 6:30pm - 8:00pm Games: Tue

Soccer - Coed

Age: 5-6 yr old Practices: Thu 5:00pm - 6:00pm & Sat 10:30am - 11:30am Games: Sat
Age: 7-8 yr old Practices: Thu 6:00pm - 7:00pm & Sat 11:30am - 12:30pm Games: Sat

Photo by Kaye Boeke

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Barnum Neighbors Cider Meet Up

The air was frigid and the roads were slick but the atmosphere inside the Colorado Cider Company was warm and jovial as neighbors from around Barnum gathered for a fruity pint. We discussed our love of the neighborhood, the reasons why we fell for our houses, and our hopes for a bright future in Barnum.

The tap room at the Colorado Cider Company continues to improve and offers a pared-down, but cozy aesthetic.

A taste of rum barrel aged cherry cider? Yes, please!

How about a flight of tasters for seconds?

Sometimes you just have to get a second cider before the first one runs out.

Steve, a long-time Barnum resident catches up Harry and Heather, newer residents, on everything there is to know about the neighborhood.

Well lookie here! It's Charlie, the brilliant lady who started this terrific website.

We even had a furry neighbor come and visit!

There was so much excellent conversation during the meet up. Barnum is full of interesting people!

Thanks to everyone who came out in the snow for a pint with new friends. We certainly hope to see even more neighbors at the next neighborhood meet up! If you have a great idea for a place for us to gather, we would certainly love to hear from you. 

All photos by RB Fast, 2015. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sustainable Neighborhoods Program Coming to Barnum!

Hear ye! Hear ye! The Barnum neighborhood is hereby preparing to become a certified sustainable neighborhood with support from the Denver Sustainable Neighborhoods program. You are cordially invited to attend the kickoff meeting on Wednesday, February 25th at 7:00pm at the Barnum Recreation Center. You can find more details on this awesome development for our neighborhood by clicking here.

Here's to a more sustainable Barnum and a better quality of life for all of us!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

February Event Announcements

CCB Neighborhood Association Meeting: Tuesday, February 10th, 6:00pm. 360 Hooker Street, Denver, CO

Barnum Morning Walk Meetup at Barnum Park: Saturday, February 7th, 9:00am. 360 Hooker Street, Denver, CO (meet outside the pool entrance, more details on Nextdoor)

Barnum Neighbors Meetup @ Colorado Cider Company: Saturday February 21st, 3:00pm. 2650 West 2nd Avenue #10, Denver, CO 80219 (all neighbors over 21 welcome, email questions to welcometobarnum(at)gmail)

Have other announcements? Send us an email or leave us a comment!

Friday, January 23, 2015

We Love Barnum!

Hello! My name is RB Fast. I am a longtime Barnum resident and a new contributor to Welcome to Barnum. I am so excited for the chance to support this amazing place we live and connect with our neighbors. There are several ideas floating around in my mind about content that would be valuable to the neighborhood. But for my first blog post, I figure I should just go ahead and introduce myself to you.

We bought our West Barnum house in the summer of 2006. We abandoned the hip but cramped Lower Highland/Jefferson Park neighborhood in favor of some space for the baby we were expecting that fall. We instantly fell in love with our little brick house and our love for the neighborhood has consistently grown since day one. We have never looked back!

I live with my husband, Steve, and our eight-year-old daughter. Steve and I are both self-employed
(because apparently we are very comfortable with unpredictability). He is a professional woodworker and he owns a company called Fast Industries. You can find more on that at . His work is in homes and businesses all over Denver. You can find his work in places like The Denver Beer Company, the Monkey Barrel, Steep Tea & Coffee, and in February 2015 at Ratio Brew Works on 29th and Larimer.

I own a consulting firm that offers structure and support to non-profit organizations, Montessori schools (I was a Montessori teacher for many years), and early childhood education programs. You can find more about my work at .

Our backyard garden nestled against the garage.

Our little Barnum house has been a labor of love as we have slowly remodeled the inside over the past eight years. We have also torn out a lot of our grass and added raised beds for growing food and flowers, a large chicken coop, and two bee hives. It is so fun to walk the neighborhood and see how many other folks are doing the same thing!

We live in a neighborhood full of people who work hard and live an honest life. It is such an honor to live among you and I so look forward to the many chances we will have to come together and get to know one another as we support each other and this special little spot in the corner of Denver that we call home.
