Did you know we have a microbrewery within walking distance?
Cause we do. And it's actually insanely good.

Wit's End is hiding right at 2nd and Bryant -- which is
probably well under a half an hour walk from your doorstep, unless you live way out in the Western corners. But, when I say hiding, I mean it. You really have to put some effort into figuring out where the hell it's at.
I tried a stout (or was it a brown? I don't know -- it was quite dark) they called, "Ugly Sweater." It was
brilliant. The bartender was super friendly and was happy to give us a tour and a bit of history. Also, the bartender had a very admirable beard. So, the moral of the story is that Wit's End has good beer, good beards, and it's hard to spot unless you're cool enough to already know it's there. You are now cool enough. Go give it a try and spread the word. One word of warning: they have funky hours. So, check their website before you go.
Here's their website.