Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome to You

This is a website about Barnum and its cleverly named western appendage, Barnum West.

Why? Because sometimes this neighborhood is need of a little "commenting-upon." And, perhaps occasionally, a website might even be somewhat useful. (I wouldn't count on it though. Seriously. How much could you possibly expect from a blog that opens with an Instagram photo?)

Isn't there already a neighborhood newsletter? You know, I don't know. I don't think so. I've never seen one. I suppose I've never really looked that hard. Am I building your confidence in my journalistic research skills yet?
But, isn't there a Barnum Community Group to discuss what's happening in Barnum? Well, yes, but I am far too lazy to attend a real meeting at a predetermined time and place, especially when that time is during dinner time.

So, anyway, this is the website! There may or may not be more contributing authors to this endeavor. And, I welcome comments below. If you're interested in contributing, please email:

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