Saturday, April 19, 2014

No More Dumpsters for Us

It's not just Denver -- Vail has dumpster divers too! Aww...
Later this year, Denver is exchanging our dumpsters in the Barnum neighborhood for individual trashcans, in an effort to increase recycling participation while decreasing illegal dumping and general alley grossness. While part of me will be sad to see the dumpsters go (the part of me that never has to remember what day "trash day" is), the rest of me is pretty excited to not have to smell my neighbors' cumulative garbage 5 feet from my backyard barbeques all summer.  Win!

Here's a link to the Denver Post article.
And, here's a link to an editorial too.

On a thoroughly unrelated note, I stumbled upon a brief article in Live Urban Real Estate that speculates about the Barnum neighborhood becoming "The Next Hot 'Hood in Denver." From the title alone, I got the best mental image of the seductive lure of our pho is wafting into the noses of realtors and the shapely accents of our architectural details catching the lecherous eye of an ambitious broker. But seriously, can we please not do the thing the Highlands did where we force out lower income residents and all the great ethnic food? Pretty please? Our neighborhood has character and diversity. Let's keep those things!


  1. Wow, this is incredibly relieving to read. We have had SO MUCH illegal dumping in the allery between Grove/Hazel - 8th/9th and neighbors not caring and filling all 3 dumpsters near us with construction and/or yard debris that they aren't aware should be presented and bundled for pick up in a different manner. This cannot come soon enough!

  2. Great news and thanks for posting the links to the Denver Post article. We live in the neighborhood and the alley and illegal dumping are two of my least favorite things. Weekly we come out to trashed furniture against the dumpster and it's embarassing to have friends over when that happens! Glad to see the city trying to make a change...
