Thursday, May 1, 2014

Bridges and Creeks

This is not the bridge being demolished. This is the bridge falling apart. Denver Post.
KNOX CT. BRIDGE: April Crumley of Concerned Citizens for Barnum announced that CDOT plans to re-open our brand new Knox Court bridge on May 9th! Huzzah!

The bridge, which was pretty sketch and rapidly deteriorating in recent years, was razed and rebuilt as part of CDOT's larger 6th Ave. Bridge Project. The project spans from Knox Ct. to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rails just East of 25.

Our new bridge will include a bike lane, which is crazy awesome for our bicycle commuters headed downtown, as well as for everyone heading over to the Barnum North Bike Park.

Cheers, CDOT. Thanks for our shiny new bridge!

Residents have begun planning a re-opening party with a children's bike parade. Ask April of CCB for more details. Here's a link to their Facebook page.

Check out the full 6th Ave. project update page here. And, watch a video of the bridge construction here.

Oh yeah. You lookin' good girl. Work that creek. Yeah.
BARNUM/BARNUM WEST GREENBELT: Our greenbelt is looking pretty sexy this time of year. Mmmhmm. We're a thoroughly urban neighborhood though and have a few kids with too much spray paint and poor penmanship skills at their disposal. And, come June when school gets out, they'll also have too much time on their hands. Let's keep our greenbelt looking hot by reporting any shitty tagging immediately!

The City and County of Denver has a pretty dependable graffiti removal program. Snap a quick pic on your phone and send in the location for speedy removal using their online form. Click on "Report a Problem." Reporting tagging doesn't just get rid of tagging, it prevents future tagging. No one wants to waste their spray paint and time tagging a spot that's going to be erased the next day.

Have a happy Thursday, Barnum!

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