Monday, March 17, 2014

NextDoor Barnum and Barnum West

Spring tulips! Woot!
So, as it turns out, there is a great online message board for our neighborhoods at NextDoor (Barnum and Barnum West). As of this week, there are about 110 or so of our neighbors signed up between the two. I've been a tad skeptical of the site until now because you can't really dig around much until you put in all of your information. But then I realized that it's kind of a good thing. You know, you have to live in the neighborhood to hang out on the neighborhood message board. Or else it's just creepy. And anyway, it's the 21st century and I have no digital privacy anyway, so what's one more site with my name and personal info attached? I'm in.

The best part is that you don't have to remember to check in every day to see what's happening. I'm signed up for email alerts, so it'll email me if anyone posts from my 'hood. Overall review? It's cool and it might be pretty useful. Perhaps I'll see you there!

Also, it's my first year with tulips in the garden. I planted them last fall and I'm so excited to see them starting to pop up! Yay! Bulbs really do work! They've always seemed a little sketchy to me since you have to buy these dead-looking brown lumps and you can't tell if you've been swindled until months later when it's far too late to return them and get your money back.

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